Title: Are You Lonesome Tonight? (published in 2000, originally - in 1985)
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 456
Content: a stupid book, written by a woman, who claims that she was the one and the only love of Elvis Presley's life...
Review: If you don't have nerves of steel, if you don't like bad language or believe in what is written in this book, you should better skip this review. Because I am going to use hard expressions and say everything I think about the bullshit written in this book.
First of all about the author. Her name is Lucy De... I don't remember the rest of her name, it is written on the book which is lying on my table, but it ain't worth looking at it anyway. However, back to the author, there is one thing missing in this book. The story of how this book has been written. I have the following hypothesis on this matter (I have to point once again that this is only my hypothesis): the author runs away from a crazy house, where she has been held for many years after she had first said that she had been the love of the whole Elvis Presley life. After running away, she decides that she needs some money to make a living and she decides to write a fairytale about their relationship with Elvis Presley. That's the end of the story. I understand that everybody needs to make a living, but after reading the book, I have asked myself a question: does she believe in what she has written? It's a pity to admit, but I guess that she does. That means only one thing: she's terribly ill and needs to be taken care of.
Being more serious, I have to say that it is really sad that a woman, who criticizes everybody for making money on Elvis and says how sad it is, is doing the same damn thing! There is no real evidence in this book on the matter. Just plain text. BULLSHIT!
This book is a fairytale. If you like fairytales - it's for you, but by buying this book you will help another f%$#!@g b!#$h to make a buck on Elvis. So better skip it. Though after reading it, you will have a big laugh. At least, I did.
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