Title: Complete Guide to Music - Elvis Presley, The (John Robertson) (published in 1997)
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 144
Contents: The "full" guide to Elvis' music
Review: The book's cover says that it is "the full guide to Elvis Presley's music, with reviews to all his records made through the 22 years of his career". As you can see there's already a mistake on the cover (23 years in fact). Maybe it was a full guide to Elvis' music in 1993, when it was first published in Great Britain (though I don't think it is the case) and by no means is complete today. It was the first Elvis Presley book translated into Russian language.
The author is critical to Elvis - he idolizes Elvis of 1954-1958 period along with Elvis of 1969, but he doesn't like Elvis from the movies-era and Elvis of the later years. I agree that there were some risky songs on such albums as Moody Blue, but by calling this album "terrible", by the same time saying that the soundtrack of G.I. BLUES was an O.K. one is really strange Sometimes it looks like the author didn't hear what he is talking about.
But in a total we get a book full of critics, and it is a very rarely seen thing!
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