Title: Kansas City Blues (released in 2005)
Label: Fort Baxter CS-1001
Date: June 29, 1974, Kansas City, MO, evening show and track 18-21 from June 28, 1974 evening show Milwaukee, WIM
Sound Quality: * * * * / * * * * * +
Concert Rating: * * * * + / * * * * * +
Tracks: 1.See See Rider 2.When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / Blue Christmas 3.I Got A Woman / Amen 4.Love Me 5.Trying To Get To You 6.All Shook Up 7.Love Me Tender 8.Hound Dog 9.Fever 10.Polk Salad Annie 11.Why Me Lord ? 12.Suspicious Minds 13.Introduction f the band 14.I Can't Stop Loving You 15.Help Me 16.Bridge Over Troubled Water 17.Let Me Be There (with reprise) 18.Funny How Time Slips Away (with reprise) 19.Big Boss Man 20.Steamroller Blues 21.Can't Help Falling In Love / Closing Vamp (Duration: 63 min. 13 sec.)
Package: Since this CD is a re-release of the first CD of the 1995 box set A Profile- The King On Stage Vol. 1, the producers decided to save the old Fort Baxter label, but nothing more. As we all know, Fort Baxter releases were done in one style. This new re-release is an exception. Here we have a completely new concept of packaging, which is very close to Madison style. In overall the package is average, but the fantastic article by Jasper McGiffis helps the situation. A good addition are the photos from this show and June 1974 tour.
Elvis: We can't say nothing more about this so-so show, except we done in the review of A Profile- The King On Stage Vol. 1.
Highlights: 4 songs from the day before show were added to this CD. Although the producers believe "the quartet of songs from Milwaukee on June 28 are much better fit than using material from the October 1974 tour", we can't say this is a good choice. This show (June 28) was recently released by Memory Records (In Dreams Of Yesterday) and this bonus brings us nothing new, except 4 last bad sounding songs. This show is much weaker than the day after and this is a real contrast for listener. I guess we can expect more re-releases of Fort Baxter CD's in the near future and the producers will surely get their money for the same stuff second time. We can only hope they would not add previously released material even as a bonus.
In overall, this CD is only for those people, who missed the original release 10 years ago. In all other way this is a waste of money.
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