Title: Last Train To Memphis (2002 (originally in 1994 and 1999 respectively))
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 1008
Contents: Both parts of Peter Guralnick's biographies - Last Train To Memphis and Careless Love.
Review: What can one say about the best Elvis Presley biography when it is ruined this way? The translation is good in parts but very terrible in others. For example, the people behind the translation claim that the melody of I'm left, You're Right, She's Gone was taken from the Campbell soap commercial, but it wasn't soap but SOUP! And it's just one of he endless list of mistakes to be found in the Russian edition of the book. It is also very hard to read this book, because some of the sentences are too long to comprehend what they are about.
Still, this is the best book translated into Russian language. The rest of them have no right to lay on the shop's shelves close to it. But my advice is: try to get this book in English, and you will never regret the experience that you'll get from reading it. Long live Peter Guralnick!
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