Title: Stay Away (released in 1993)
Label: Ranwood Records
Date: Different dates from the 60-s and two tracks from the 50-s and the 70-s
Sound Quality (Concert): * * * + / * * * * * +
Contents Rating: * * * - / * * * * * +
Tracks: 1.Stay Away (alt. slow version) 2.U.S. Male (take 1) 3.Man In The Moon (aka Wings Of An Angel) 4.U.S. Male (takes 2,3,4) 5.Guitar Man (takes 1,2,3) 6.Guitar Man (takes 4,5) 7.Angel (take 2) 8.Echoes Of Love (takes 4,5) 9.Echoes Of Love (takes 6,7,9) 9.Please Don't Drag That String Around (take 1) 10.Please Don't Drag That String Around (take 2) 11.Please Don't Drag That String Around (takes 3,4) 12.I Need Your Love Tonight (take 1) 13.I Need Your Love Tonight (unknown alt. take) 14.Silver Bells (alt. take)
Package: It seems that the producers of this CD didn't know what a a package design is - the cover is just an insert, no info, just take numbers...
Elvis: This CD features Elvis working on non-soundtrack recordings (mostly in the 60-s) and it says it all.
Highlights: Man In The Moon (aka Wigns of An Angel) is a great addition to every real collector's Elvis' music library but it's been released in better sound quality on Bilko's There's Always Me, Volume 2 later. The same goes for the slow version of Stay Away (recently released by BMG).
Review: This release is from the beginning of the bootleg CD-s era, the tape seems to be a 5-th or 6-th copy, which results a less than average sound quality, all this outtakes have been since released on other quality releases (e.g. There's Always Me, Volume 2). Probably we can recommend this release only for die-hard "I want to have it all" Elvis' fans, since this release is hard to get these days (taking in account it's release date). This CD, however, will lie on shelve, probably not ever being played.
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